Do not assume that others have or will take care of this. The number of individuals voicing or filing complaints is extremely important. It is one of the key factors in understanding there is a big problem affecting many people. Mayor Kelly has let us know that he is on the good side of this fight. We have to let him know we are upset too and support his action against these injustices. It does not matter where you are located. Ultimately this is a call for Federal action and Mayor Kelly has the leadership to make that happen.
Make no mistake…this takes courage. This is a monumental event that we must keep in the present and repeat often. Have you ever experienced that domineering feeling when you walk into a courthouse? Imagine setting up a podium and speakers. Imagine calling out the corrupt justice system inside of its own house. These leaders deserve a standing ovation and, more importantly, every prayer of support possible. Let me assure you, no one else ever stands up for justice system victims. Attorneys don’t. The court doesn’t. Family and friends, they fade fast. The community is afraid. This is a lonely fight that you can’t imagine until you experience it firsthand, which no one should have to. People like Reverend Reid and the Clergy, they are the bright light of hope in this darkness of despair.
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The Department of Justice makes it clear that they are there to help communities and protect our Constitutional Rights. They also make it clear that they need to hear from as many people as possible. Do not assume that others have or will take care of this. The number of individuals voicing or filing complaints is extremely important. It is one of the key factors in understanding there is a big problem affecting many people. This applies to every level of government.
The sworn affidavits in the top menu bar contain many federal and state crimes. The FBI is responsible for investigating crimes of official misconduct. The state of Tennesse has shown a complete failure to act based on political allegiance and federal action is the only option left.
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Tell them there is a serious problem with official misconduct in TN and the politics protecting them. You can find your state rep by following the link below.