The Coalition Against Legal Misconduct (CALM) is a nonprofit organization that works to provide assistance, relief, and remedy to the accused from all walks of life who have become victims of legal misconduct, and consequently, are left without the necessary resources to find protection or effective counsel in the justice system. CALM was born from necessity in 2021 when it was discovered that the existing organizations bringing legal assistance to the many in need address issues outside the challenging scope of official misconduct.
Awareness of legal misconduct and ethics violations by both appointed and elected officials, law enforcement officers, public defenders and even private attorneys is growing across the country, particularly in criminal court divisions, and was found by the National Registry of Exonerations in 2020 as responsible for more than half of false criminal convictions of innocent people. Other findings by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) reported that although there was at the time no way to indicate if corruption discovered by legal misconduct was proven to be on the rise, the incidents of discovery was up by 38% in one year (from 2020 to 2021) due to records uncovered after litigation using the Freedom of Information Act. The official corruption prosecutions resulting in conviction include bribery, conflicts of interest, graft, illegal search and seizure, and other violations connected to witness tampering, misconduct during interrogations, invalid search warrants, fabrication of evidence, concealing exculpatory evidence, trial misconduct, and perjury by both officials and law enforcement officers.
Many innocent people have become victims of judicial corruption and official misconduct, exonerated after a decade or far longer in custody, and there are many who may never be discovered. The Coalition Against Legal Misconduct is a nonprofit organization here to change that; partnered with attorneys, investigators, and agencies outside the political influence of local legal communities where conflicts of interest and official misconduct are most likely to exist, CALM offers victims held inside compromised legal systems the protection and aid they need to find fair and effective representation in the judicial system as the founding fathers of the United States intended per its original design. CALM seeks to shift the attitude of complacent corruption that perpetuates unjust treatment in our own communities and in the communities of the victims we find in this country that was founded on freedom and liberty, while continuing to evolve and grow in the interest of justice.
Until recent years marking the prolific use of The Freedom of Information Act, many advocate organizations have successfully exonerated the wrongly accused through means provided by scientific innovation, advancement in forensic methods, and particularly genetic testing. With the increased awareness of official misconduct and its contribution to more than half of the wrongful convictions in criminal cases, CALM recognizes a clear and critical need to identify and protect the innocent from injustice due to corruption and misconduct occurring in our legal system, before conviction ever happens, community by community.
We are currently focused on a particular case that spawned our inception with the Knox County Sheriff's Office, the misconduct and crimes committed against us during this delayed three-year case, how it relates to other cases created for the involved codefendants, and how this pattern of behavior is connected to official misconduct in simultaneously active cases in the State of Tennessee.